When you have a list of tasks to be done, how do you most often prioritize? (This is what you *actually* do. Not what you wish you did more often or feel is the best method)
303 votes
Start with the oldest item on the list first and stay in order from there, it makes sense to get rid of the most delayed projects asap
Get the newest item out of the way and work backwards, it helps keep you current to handle anything new that comes your way and still work towards the older stuff as you find time
Do the task you feel the most motivated to do at the time, no point forcing yourself to do a sequential order if you're not in the mood, else productivity decreases
Blind randomness, they all will/have to get done anyways so it honestly doesn't matter and I'm indecisive. Close your eyes, pick one, and go with it!
Alternate between the first and last tasks, balancing between knocking off old tasks and keeping up to date with current ones is efficient
Grouping similar tasks together and concentrating on that one category for a set amount of time, then switching to another once that time is up
Finish the item that's due the soonest so you're ready for the most pressing deadline and any leftover time can be devoted to projects due later on
Pick out the task that will take the most amount of time and get it done first, leaving extra time left over to complete the shorter tasks later
Start with the small, easy tasks that don't take up much time and work towards the longer, more demanding ones. The more you get done, the better
Other (please tell me! I'm curious how everyone manages their life compared to mine)

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spicytacopie's avatar
There are several ways I list all my tasks.
List #1 I make a list of things that have a deadline with the date next to it, starting from the one due soonest to the one due last
List #2 I make a list of things that don't have a deadline and can be done anytime.
Now depending on how soon my first deadline is determines what I work on first.

Say a deadline for an essay isnt due for another month well then I start knocking out the little things on my #2 list, and of course when the deadline draws closer I switch between doing a bit of the essay and a bit of list #2 until about the last week or so its all essay work.
and repeat, it may get a bit chaotic but thats why you knock out little things, the way i look at it is, the beach is billions of tiny little grains but bit by bit you can pick at it.